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  1. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu with Longhorn and Fence

(Good Luck, Peace and Prosperity in the Household)

Japan, Meiji period, mid 19th century

UTTM. 2015.08.03a


In addition to the wishes for peace and prosperity, people colored the Mokkenshu in red, and hung it at the entrance of their homes in an attempt to ward off cholera. The depiction of wooden fences on the decorative borders implies an extra layer of protection from outside evilness.


2. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu with Chrysanthemum Crest

(Peace and Protection)

Japan, Meiji period, late 19th century

UTTM. 2015.08.04


The elegantly decorated Mokkenshu carries a chrysanthemum crest in front of its body.

In Japan, chrysanthemums have been admired as the king of plants because of the radial formation of its petals which is associated with the sunshine.  The vigorous scent of the chrysanthemum also makes it quite popular.

The paper amulet might have been sold in the fall when people went to see chrysanthemum flowers at shrines.


3. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu on Lotus

 (Sound Health, Peace and Prosperity in the Household)

Japan, Meiji period, late 19th century

UTTM. 2015.08.01


The box type Mokkenshu (hako gata) is on a lotus shaped pedestal. Buddha often sit or stand on this type of pedestal, and we can see a strong association with Buddha and Mokkenshu.


4. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu-Jizo

Japan, Meiji period, early 20th century

UTTM. 2015.02.01


This is a rare depiction of a Mokkenshu which appears in a Jizo style. In Japanese Buddhism, Jizo is a children’s deity as well as a protector for travelers and villages from epidemics and evil spirits. The Mokkenshu-Jizo carries a wish-fulfilling jewel which is believed to light up the darkness. This paper amulet was probably worshipped in a family altar.


​5. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu with Horns and Power Towers

 (Good Fortune and Attract Wealth)

Japan, Meiji period, early 20th century

UTTM. 2015.10.01


This paper amulet was designed to fit in a wallet. People carry this paper amulet in the hope of gaining good fortune, winning the lottery, having good luck in gambling, etc.  The paper amulet was designed to be in a three-sided shape, which enables the amulet to stand by itself and creates a little altar shape for travelers to set up at each location where they spend the night. 

(above from 1-5, each description is from the label drawing diptych at the bottom)

1. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu with Longhorn and Fence

(Good Luck, Peace and Prosperity in the Household), 2016, hand colored and stained lithograph with chine colle, 8 x 8 inches

2. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu with Chrysanthemum Crest

(Peace and Protection), 2016, hand colored and stained lithograph with chine colle, 11 x 5 ½ inches

3. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu on Lotus

(Sound Health, Peace and Prosperity in the Household), 2016, hand colored and stained lithograph with chine colle, 8 ½  x 4 inches

4. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu-Jizo, 2016, hand colored and stained copper plate relief print, 3 x 4 inches

5. Paper Amulet of Mokkenshu with Horns and Power Towers

(Good Fortune and Attract Wealth), 2016, hand colored and stained etching and aquatint, 2 x 6 inches

(below left and right)

Drawing of a labels for Five Ofuda, (diptych), 2016, graphite on paper, 24 x 18 inches each


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